Any kind of tuple or array.
Number of element to drop from the front.
Internal use only. Should be left by default.
Send back a function type with fliped params.
Any kind of function.
Send back the type of the fliped tuple or array.
Any kind of tuple or array.
Send back the type of the first element of the tuple or array.
Any kind of tuple or array.
Send back the types of the tuple or array elements but last.
Any kind of tuple or array.
Send back the type of the last element of the tuple or array.
Any kind of tuple or array.
Lens type for hard typing & "type safety".
Type of the main object.
Type of the field targeted by the lens.
Send back the types of the tuple or array without his first element.
Any kind of tuple or array.
This function create a deep copy of any variable, with any nesting construction. May not support every type in the book. To test out. Inspired by
Copied object.
Curry a function.
Function to curry.
Argument to pine to curried function.
Curried function.
Drop nb element of a tuple or array.
nb element to drop.
Tuple or array to drop from.
Tuple or array of droped of nb element.
This function deep compare anything.
First things to compare.
Second things to compare.
True if arrays match, false otherwise.
Flip tuple.
Tuple to flip.
Fliped function.
Send back a copy of the first element of the tuple or array.
Any kind of tuple or array.
Tuple or array to get head from.
First element of the tuple or array.
Drop the last element of the tuple or array.
Tuple or array to cut.
Copy of the original tuple or array minus his last element.
Get the last element of a tuple or array.
Any kind of tuple or array.
Last element.
Lens default 'constructor'.
Type of the main object.
Type of the field targeted by the lens.
Getter function.
Setter function.
Lens contructed with given parameters.
Lens 'kind of advance' contructor. Construct the lens from a given path.
Type of the main object.
Type of the field targeted by the lens.
Path of the target. Can be a string, each subfield separated by a separator. Or a tuple of string and number representing subfield and indexes.
If path is a string, the separator will be call with string.split.
Lens contructed with given parameters.
This function will regularly check for conditional function and maybe release the lock.
Conditinal function.
Time in milliseconds between each check.
Maximum number of check before force liberating with throw.
A void promise to release the await.
Generator function to an Observable. Yielding on change made. Multiple change can occurs without the function noticing if happening between register.
Type holded by the observer.
Observer to await change on.
Time before timeout is triggered. If 0, the function will not timeout. Default to 0.
If true, timeout will throw with Error("Observable: Timeout on change"). If false, timeout will resolve with null. Default to false.
Reverse curry a function.
Function to curry.
Argument to pine to curried function.
Curried function.
Create a copy of the object and apply the lens on it to change the targeted value. Doesn't mutate.
Type of the main object.
Type of the field targeted by the lens.
Lens to use.
Value to set the target to.
Object to apply the lens on.
The new object created with its targeted field value changed.
This function will returned a promise lock for timeout milliseconds.
Time in milliseconds before releaseing the lock.
A void promise to release the await.
Send back a copy of a tuple or array without his first element.
Any kind of tuple or array.
Tuple or array to cut.
Copy of the original tuple or array minus his first element.
Take some element at the start of the tuple or array.
nb elements to take at the start.
Tuple or array to take from.
return a copy of t containing only nb firsts elements.
This function will create a silent lock on an Observable, releasing only when the conditional function return true.
Type holded by the observer.
Either an Observable or an AsyncIterableIterator mainly created from with observe.
Conditinal function.
A void promise to release the await.
Return the value of the target field by the lens from the object.
Type of the main object.
Type of the field targeted by the lens.
Lens to use.
Object to apply the lens on.
The targeted value.
Generated using TypeDoc
Send back the type of the tuple with Count element droped from the front.
Valentin Vivier